In arguably the second biggest night in the 60-year history of the Rotary Club of Epping, PP Ian Bittner, summed it up perfectly in my opinion saying: Great Night- Great Speaker- Great Atmosphere and a Great Vibe. It made me proud to be an Epping Rotarian.
I thought it ran like clockwork and the audio-visuals were spot on throughout the entire event.”
I was particularly pleased that over 90% of our members attended making for a great atmosphere for the 115 who attended or participated.
It was such a success and so enjoyable because of a great team effort and I’d like to thank the following.
Firstly our 60th Committee which has been meeting since early in the year.
Alan who coordinated our fantastic Anniversary book; Monica for her many contributions to the book, her many contacts, arranging memorabilia and knowledge of protocols, Di for her brilliant decorations and coordination of them, Ian for his obtaining and coordination of the banners, Gail for helping Di plus proof reading, Betty for an enormous and hugely successful liaison and coordination with the Epping Club plus printing programs etc and working on seating and table plans, Toula for coordinating and navigation of try booking and seating plans, Narelle for coordination of the raffle, Narelle and Toula for the Changeover. Betty did much with the raffle and Narelle helped with the programme.
- Deretta Andrews - one sapphire
- Gail Davis
- Stephan Sojka - three sapphires
- Chris O’Brien – three sapphires
- Neil Andersen 42 years
- John Goddard 40 years
- Wal Dover 31 years
- Graham Stevens 30 years