Welcome to the Rotary Club of Epping
Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world? Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back.
Club Stories
Wonderful 60th Anniversary Celebration

In arguably the second biggest night in the 60-year history of the Rotary Club of Epping, PP Ian Bittner, summed it up perfectly in my opinion saying: Great Night- Great Speaker- Great Atmosphere and a Great Vibe. It made me proud to be an Epping Rotarian.

I thought it ran like clockwork and the audio-visuals were spot on throughout the entire event.”

I was particularly pleased that over 90% of our members attended making for a great atmosphere for the 115 who attended or participated.

It was such a success and so enjoyable because of a great team effort and I’d like to thank the following.
Firstly our 60th Committee which has been meeting since early in the year.
Alan who coordinated our fantastic Anniversary book; Monica for her many contributions to the book, her many contacts, arranging memorabilia and knowledge of protocols, Di for her brilliant decorations and coordination of them, Ian for his obtaining and coordination of the banners, Gail for helping Di plus proof reading, Betty for an enormous and hugely successful liaison and coordination with the Epping Club plus printing programs etc and working on seating and table plans, Toula for coordinating and navigation of try booking and seating plans, Narelle for coordination of the raffle, Narelle and Toula for the Changeover. Betty did much with the raffle and Narelle helped with the programme.
It’s been a pleasure and privilege to lead such a wonderful team.
During our ‘Highlights of 2021-22’ presentation, we were pleased to be able to recognise several Rotarians with PHFs and Service Awards
  • Deretta Andrews - one sapphire
  • Gail Davis 
  • Stephan Sojka - three sapphires
  • Chris O’Brien – three sapphires
For years of service, we congratulated these members:
  • Neil Andersen 42 years
  • John Goddard 40 years
  • Wal Dover 31 years
  • Graham Stevens 30 years

The official opening of the North Epping Community Garden was held last Friday 1 April.
As most Rotarians are aware it was developed in partnership with the Rotary Club of Epping and Epping North Public School.

Special guests included: John Alexander, MP for Bennelong, Councillor Emma Heyde from Hornsby City Council, Co- Presidents from Epping Rotary Toula Serna & Narelle Barker and Stacey Exner, Director of Educational Leadership, Gordon network, NSW DET.

Funding for the project came from a commonwealth grant, ‘Building Stronger Communities Program’, and contributions from Epping Rotary Club and Betty Ockerlander.
Overall the project has cost nearly $30,000.  This includes all the materials: the planter boxes, garden shed, gardening equipment for the students and all the soil, mulch and plants and the lovely new outdoor tables and seating.

As the Community Director I would like to thank Michael Taylor, Assistant Principal at ENPS for his ongoing support along with the Principal Kerry-Anne Goldhagen. They welcomed the guests and talked about the project and all the people involved in making the project and the celebration possible. Thanks also to Toula and Narelle for their contribution to the afternoon and to the many Rotarians and friends of Rotary who attended.
Stuart Booty designed and constructed the Community Garden sign that was ceremoniously uncovered by John Alexander and two students from the school. Thank you to Talissa and Sakina from Year 5 for assisting with the unveiling of the sign.
After the official program was completed, the guests undertook an inspection of the Garden despite the rain and mud. The response from the guests was most positive and they were very impressed with the growth of the plants.
Thanks to Carolyn Booty for organising the catering for the dignitaries and guests at the event. It was a very lovely afternoon tea that was enjoyed by all.
This has been a very worthwhile Rotary project emphasising that the project was undertaken by many wonderful members of our community.
Thank you to all involved!

It is hoped that the students will enjoy the Garden and the fruits of its labour. 

Read more about the garden here:
Peter Garrard
Community Director
We have been supporters of the San Isidro school garden, project in the Philippines for a few years. Last year’s fundraiser event, the cocktail party was cancelled because of COVID. We have now rescheduled the cocktail party to March 12, 2022. Many have already paid for the event, so please put the date in our diaries. Craig Gallagher has kindly offered to host the party at his place, as he did last time.
In the meantime, the garden is producing fruits and vegetables, which are distributed to needy families in the area. Phil Atkins, who is the program manager, has kindly sent us pictures of a distribution day in September 2021.
North Epping Community Gardens – Project Completed
The partnership between Epping Rotary and North Epping PS to redevelop the Community Garden has been completed. The project included constructing 11 new large planter boxes, installing a large garden shed with concrete floor and shelving, constructing 2 greenhouses and large compost bins, making an orchard of 5 fruit trees and constructing 5 large outdoor tables for student/class activities.
The project was funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Building Stronger Communities Grant of $20,000 plus a Rotary District Grant and local club members of $7,000. I wish to thank all the school personnel, parents and Rotarians who assisted in the working bees to ensure the project was a success. There will be an official opening later in February by the local Federal MP Mr John Alexander.
May I thank the whole Epping Rotary club members for your support and practical assistance over the last 9 months. In particular I want to thank the following key people: Trevor McAlister for his design and constructing skills and his support and guidance; Stephen Llewlyn for his horticultural advice and practical gardening work; Alan Cunningham for his assistance in design and building and gardening contribution; Betty Ockerlander for her generous financial contribution that has ensured we could purchase high quality tables and chairs. Lastly to Narelle, Toula, Susie and Bruce for their ongoing strong support of the project.
Peter Garrard
The Walkathon project was conceived during lockdown. It was a way to help members of the club improve their own mental health through walking, one of the few activities we could realistically do when we were allowed out of our homes for only one hour a day. It was also a way to raise funds for mental health research and other Rotary projects.
It was the first time this type of project was attempted by our club. We did not know how we would fare.
The timeline was set to four weeks, August 23 to September 20, 2021. Participating members determined the number of kilometres they would walk before asking their friends and acquaintances for sponsorship.
Diaries of the imaginary voyages were written and shared with sponsors and other club members. It encouraged others to also share other walks around Sydney. The tone was set. It was creative, it was entertaining, and it was fun.
Six members participated in the Walkathon: Narelle Barker, Monica Saville, Gail Davis, Deretta Andrew, Sharyn Hubert and Toula Serna. Other club members sponsored participants or donated directly to the Walkathon funds.
We raised a total of $6,277 in four weeks!
The funds will be distributed as follows:
  Australian Rotary Health            $3,777
   Polio Plus                                 $1,500
   ROMAC                                    $1,000
Many thanks to all the participants who did an amazing job at raising spirits, increasing fitness, and keeping club members entertained and engaged in difficult times.
Special thanks to Gail Davis, our Club Service Director for organising and coordinating the project.
The Walkathon was certainly a great success on all fronts.
Walking in tunnel under the M2
Epping Rotary  - Zoom Changeover 21-22
Thank you to everyone who attended our first ever Zoom Changeover on Monday evening. We welcomed PDG Dave Clark, Past AG Robert Erskine and AG Stuart Armstrong to our celebration of the Rotary year 2020-2021 and the commencement of the 2021-22 Rotary year – Serve to Change Lives.
In all, we had 31 participants online. Rotarians joined in the spirit of this event by dressing up (at least the part we could see on screen!) for the occasion. I’m sure all will agree it was nice to have an excuse to lift the level of our dress from our very casual ‘lockdown’ attire.
During the evening, we looked back on the year that was, thanked the outgoing Board, acknowledged Betty Ockerlander in achieving her Ruby Paul Harris and recognised Alan Baker with a Paul Harris for his ongoing work, putting together RIM each week. In conclusion, a video of photographs illustrating the projects and other activities we engaged in over the year, was shown. Following this, Peter thanked Toula for her enthusiasm, commitment, and hard work in her role as President and a presentation of a Rotary clock was made by Deretta
  The induction and passing over of the President’s collar and the introduction to the new Board took place, before another significant highlight of the night – the induction into the Rotary Club of Epping, Ying Chan.
21-22 Plan in Brief
Our vision for 21/22 can be summarised by “A progressive club with happy and engaged members who serve the local and worldwide community, promoting a vibrant image of Rotary.”
We believe that Member Welfare is key to having engaged members and a harmonious Club. We plan to engage good speakers, organise more social events and acknowledge milestones. We will work hard to increase membership and mentor new members. We hope to engage more with other local Rotary Club thus developing closer relationships and sharing ideas.
In addition to running and promoting our signature projects and events in the various Areas of Service in the upcoming year, we will be hosting a special event to celebrate the Club’s 60th anniversary.
We plan to find ways to market and promote the Club and the good work that we do through various means. We will create new opportunities for partnerships with local businesses, corporations and community groups. We will work jointly with partners to celebrate the projects that we do. There will be expectations on us to market ourselves better, but also on our partners to help us do that.
The partnership between Epping Rotary and Epping North PS was celebrated at the Club meeting on Monday night.

The focus of the meeting was a question-and-answer session with the Principal Kerry-Anne Goldhagen, Michael Taylor Assistant Principal and Glenn Gallagher the General Assistant.
The responses showed a commitment to the project which the school managing through the students being involved with planting seeds. The pictures show the students enjoying their class activity.
Pride of Workmanship award was presented to Glenn Gallagher from Epping North PS for his wonderful support of the Community Garden Project. He has helped with the project working bees during on weekends and school holidays. Nothing was too much for Glenn. He is a worthy recipient of the POW.
See picture of presentation, in Toula’s report above.

The Club has been successful in gaining a Federal Grant under the Stronger Communities Project.
$17,500 has been approved which is a wonderful support to our Community Garden Project in partnership with Epping North PS

Peter Garrard
Community Director
Last Monday 17 May we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of a relationship between our club and the Rotary Club of Ikebukuro in Tokyo, Japan. A relationship between two Rotary Clubs across the oceans which has lasted for 50 years.
This enduring friendship is a shining example of what the mission of Rotary International is. It is a wonderful representation of what Rotary aims to achieve.
 The Consul General of Japan, Mr. Kiya Makahiko spoke about the importance of the Australia Japan relationship and John Alexander MP reciprocated.
We were also joined by David Clark, our District Governor, David Clarke.
The evening was meticulously organised by Narelle, Monica was the amazing MC on the night and the beautiful table decorations done by our very own Di Walker. A big thank you to all involved.
Great Night to Honour Di.

50 current and past Epping Rotarians, DG Dave, AG Robert, Di’s son Scott and his wife Fiona, partners and spouses contributed to a wonderful evening. However the undoubted star was Di.
Di has had a 59 year association with Epping Rotary, and in a lovely speech, outlined the outstanding contributions (my words, Di’s too humble) of the Walker family to our Club.
The point was made that a huge reason explaining the current success of our Club is based on the foundations established by past members. It is they who have set the standards, culture, ethos etc.
No family has done more than the Walker family. Thanks Di, you and your families contributions have  been enormous and greatly appreciated.

Spectacular Progress Made on Community Garden Project
Last Saturday significant progress was made by members of our club towards finalising the dream of a community garden.  Despite temperatures in the low 30s, a team of 17 members together with three from the school P and C completed a compost bin together with two 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.4 metre high garden beds.  Half the team worked swinging picks and shovels to clear the weeds and shrubs in order to prepare the ground while the other half carried out the necessary woodwork.  This was not easy as the railway sleepers were wet and very heavy.  All had to be cut to size, then physically carried to the site a distance of over fifty metres and assembled.  It is something to be said for our Club that more than half our members were prepared to give up their Saturday and do this.  The fabulous morning tea prepared by Di Walker and the cold drinks from Toula and the camaraderie which we all enjoyed were things which made the morning's work special.  For it was not just about building garden beds, it is about building friendships while doing something really worthwhile for the community.
Having said all this, there are still eight garden beds to be built and they all have to be filled with dirt.  One of our biggest needs is sourcing suitable cordless drills and drivers along with the human power to drive them.  So, watch this space.  Thursday 8th April has been suggested for our next big effort.  This has yet to be confirmed but for those able to join us, mark this date in your diaries and come along at around 11.00am.  It will be a great day out and a useful one as well.
The Pride of Workmanship (PoW) is a Rotary programme to promote Vocational Service. It is to promote Pride of Workmanship in ALL vocations and hence provides employers with an opportunity to recognise employees who display those qualities which are worthy of an award. It is also to encourage  favourable employer/employee relationships and a sense of community pride in individual achievement. Plus it gives Rotary an opportunity to be involved in the Community. The Theme of PoW is “Do it once, Do it well. Build a better Australia.” The programmed has been adopted by over 600 Rotary Clubs in Australia, New Zealand, the South pacific, Malaysia, Canada and the United States.
Our 2021 PoW was held on Monday, March 15th at The Epping Club. There were 59 persons in attendance totally. Six Organisations/Groups and Companies nominated TEN employees for recognition and for the award. They were all great achievers and worthy recipients.
The following is the List of Nominators and the Awardees for this Year 2021:
      McGrath – Better Homes Realty          Omid Sayehban                  Cyrius Media Group P/L                        James Hill
         Epping Boys High School                 Stephanie Dwyer                     Minimbah Challenge Inc         Andy Ker, Celena Coghlan
          Dorothy Henderson Lodge                      Jacqueline Edwards
                                                                              Naresh Koirake
                                                                               Tony Ibrahim
                                                                               Homa Ahmadzei                    NSW Health Immunisation                      Dr Sonya Ennis
           Appreciation to all who nominated people and the Board for encouraging PoW to happen again. Glad for all who turned up and made it a great night.

      President Toula's Corner
      Our first speaker for the year was certainly well received, based on the feedback I received.
      I do feel proud of Lily, she is a great kid! Many thanks to Justin for doing a lot of research and
      making the session informative, entertaining, and fun. You did an amazing job!
      New President 20/21 Toula Serna
      20/21 Board: Betty, Chris, Alex, Narelle, Robert, Bruce, Peter, John C, John F, Deretta & Toula
      A huge Thank You to everyone who attended the 58th Changeover, whether in person or on Zoom. It was wonderful to see members I have not seen in months and months. 26 members attended in person and 8 people joined in on Zoom. The mood was buoyant and the atmosphere buzzing
      Annette Gurr, NCCG Development Manager, gave a clear, informative and heart-rending presentation on the fantastic service provided by the staff of the National Centre for Childhood Grief.
      How have we never known about this local organisation addressing a critical need that is mostly overlooked?
      The Epping Rotary Backyard Blitz team went to work in a backyard in North Epping to assist a couple in North Epping who are not in a position to keep on top of things in the garden. The objective: to spruce things up for Christmas and make the garden a more inviting area!
      Last Saturday a harbour cruise for retirement and nursing home residents, with the fantastic help of prefects from Epping Boys HS and Cheltenham Girls HS, was a lot of fun and a joy-filled event. A huge thank you to Epping Community Bank Branch for partnering with us and sponsoring the boat, also to The Tokens for once again providing some great music that had the dance floor pumping! Thanks to Captain Wal for the organisation, to everyone who contributed towards a spectacular tea, and for those who valiantly conquered the cramped conditions in the galley kitchen to prepare food and drinks; it was a great team effort.
      Club Stories
      Wonderful 60th Anniversary Celebration

      In arguably the second biggest night in the 60-year history of the Rotary Club of Epping, PP Ian Bittner, summed it up perfectly in my opinion saying: Great Night- Great Speaker- Great Atmosphere and a Great Vibe. It made me proud to be an Epping Rotarian.

      I thought it ran like clockwork and the audio-visuals were spot on throughout the entire event.”

      I was particularly pleased that over 90% of our members attended making for a great atmosphere for the 115 who attended or participated.

      It was such a success and so enjoyable because of a great team effort and I’d like to thank the following.
      Firstly our 60th Committee which has been meeting since early in the year.
      Alan who coordinated our fantastic Anniversary book; Monica for her many contributions to the book, her many contacts, arranging memorabilia and knowledge of protocols, Di for her brilliant decorations and coordination of them, Ian for his obtaining and coordination of the banners, Gail for helping Di plus proof reading, Betty for an enormous and hugely successful liaison and coordination with the Epping Club plus printing programs etc and working on seating and table plans, Toula for coordinating and navigation of try booking and seating plans, Narelle for coordination of the raffle, Narelle and Toula for the Changeover. Betty did much with the raffle and Narelle helped with the programme.
      It’s been a pleasure and privilege to lead such a wonderful team.
      During our ‘Highlights of 2021-22’ presentation, we were pleased to be able to recognise several Rotarians with PHFs and Service Awards
      • Deretta Andrews - one sapphire
      • Gail Davis 
      • Stephan Sojka - three sapphires
      • Chris O’Brien – three sapphires
      For years of service, we congratulated these members:
      • Neil Andersen 42 years
      • John Goddard 40 years
      • Wal Dover 31 years
      • Graham Stevens 30 years

      The official opening of the North Epping Community Garden was held last Friday 1 April.
      As most Rotarians are aware it was developed in partnership with the Rotary Club of Epping and Epping North Public School.

      Special guests included: John Alexander, MP for Bennelong, Councillor Emma Heyde from Hornsby City Council, Co- Presidents from Epping Rotary Toula Serna & Narelle Barker and Stacey Exner, Director of Educational Leadership, Gordon network, NSW DET.

      Funding for the project came from a commonwealth grant, ‘Building Stronger Communities Program’, and contributions from Epping Rotary Club and Betty Ockerlander.
      Overall the project has cost nearly $30,000.  This includes all the materials: the planter boxes, garden shed, gardening equipment for the students and all the soil, mulch and plants and the lovely new outdoor tables and seating.

      As the Community Director I would like to thank Michael Taylor, Assistant Principal at ENPS for his ongoing support along with the Principal Kerry-Anne Goldhagen. They welcomed the guests and talked about the project and all the people involved in making the project and the celebration possible. Thanks also to Toula and Narelle for their contribution to the afternoon and to the many Rotarians and friends of Rotary who attended.
      Stuart Booty designed and constructed the Community Garden sign that was ceremoniously uncovered by John Alexander and two students from the school. Thank you to Talissa and Sakina from Year 5 for assisting with the unveiling of the sign.
      After the official program was completed, the guests undertook an inspection of the Garden despite the rain and mud. The response from the guests was most positive and they were very impressed with the growth of the plants.
      Thanks to Carolyn Booty for organising the catering for the dignitaries and guests at the event. It was a very lovely afternoon tea that was enjoyed by all.
      This has been a very worthwhile Rotary project emphasising that the project was undertaken by many wonderful members of our community.
      Thank you to all involved!

      It is hoped that the students will enjoy the Garden and the fruits of its labour. 

      Read more about the garden here:
      Peter Garrard
      Community Director
      We have been supporters of the San Isidro school garden, project in the Philippines for a few years. Last year’s fundraiser event, the cocktail party was cancelled because of COVID. We have now rescheduled the cocktail party to March 12, 2022. Many have already paid for the event, so please put the date in our diaries. Craig Gallagher has kindly offered to host the party at his place, as he did last time.
      In the meantime, the garden is producing fruits and vegetables, which are distributed to needy families in the area. Phil Atkins, who is the program manager, has kindly sent us pictures of a distribution day in September 2021.
      North Epping Community Gardens – Project Completed
      The partnership between Epping Rotary and North Epping PS to redevelop the Community Garden has been completed. The project included constructing 11 new large planter boxes, installing a large garden shed with concrete floor and shelving, constructing 2 greenhouses and large compost bins, making an orchard of 5 fruit trees and constructing 5 large outdoor tables for student/class activities.
      The project was funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Building Stronger Communities Grant of $20,000 plus a Rotary District Grant and local club members of $7,000. I wish to thank all the school personnel, parents and Rotarians who assisted in the working bees to ensure the project was a success. There will be an official opening later in February by the local Federal MP Mr John Alexander.
      May I thank the whole Epping Rotary club members for your support and practical assistance over the last 9 months. In particular I want to thank the following key people: Trevor McAlister for his design and constructing skills and his support and guidance; Stephen Llewlyn for his horticultural advice and practical gardening work; Alan Cunningham for his assistance in design and building and gardening contribution; Betty Ockerlander for her generous financial contribution that has ensured we could purchase high quality tables and chairs. Lastly to Narelle, Toula, Susie and Bruce for their ongoing strong support of the project.
      Peter Garrard
      The Walkathon project was conceived during lockdown. It was a way to help members of the club improve their own mental health through walking, one of the few activities we could realistically do when we were allowed out of our homes for only one hour a day. It was also a way to raise funds for mental health research and other Rotary projects.
      It was the first time this type of project was attempted by our club. We did not know how we would fare.
      The timeline was set to four weeks, August 23 to September 20, 2021. Participating members determined the number of kilometres they would walk before asking their friends and acquaintances for sponsorship.
      Diaries of the imaginary voyages were written and shared with sponsors and other club members. It encouraged others to also share other walks around Sydney. The tone was set. It was creative, it was entertaining, and it was fun.
      Six members participated in the Walkathon: Narelle Barker, Monica Saville, Gail Davis, Deretta Andrew, Sharyn Hubert and Toula Serna. Other club members sponsored participants or donated directly to the Walkathon funds.
      We raised a total of $6,277 in four weeks!
      The funds will be distributed as follows:
        Australian Rotary Health            $3,777
         Polio Plus                                 $1,500
         ROMAC                                    $1,000
      Many thanks to all the participants who did an amazing job at raising spirits, increasing fitness, and keeping club members entertained and engaged in difficult times.
      Special thanks to Gail Davis, our Club Service Director for organising and coordinating the project.
      The Walkathon was certainly a great success on all fronts.
      Walking in tunnel under the M2
      Epping Rotary  - Zoom Changeover 21-22
      Thank you to everyone who attended our first ever Zoom Changeover on Monday evening. We welcomed PDG Dave Clark, Past AG Robert Erskine and AG Stuart Armstrong to our celebration of the Rotary year 2020-2021 and the commencement of the 2021-22 Rotary year – Serve to Change Lives.
      In all, we had 31 participants online. Rotarians joined in the spirit of this event by dressing up (at least the part we could see on screen!) for the occasion. I’m sure all will agree it was nice to have an excuse to lift the level of our dress from our very casual ‘lockdown’ attire.
      During the evening, we looked back on the year that was, thanked the outgoing Board, acknowledged Betty Ockerlander in achieving her Ruby Paul Harris and recognised Alan Baker with a Paul Harris for his ongoing work, putting together RIM each week. In conclusion, a video of photographs illustrating the projects and other activities we engaged in over the year, was shown. Following this, Peter thanked Toula for her enthusiasm, commitment, and hard work in her role as President and a presentation of a Rotary clock was made by Deretta
        The induction and passing over of the President’s collar and the introduction to the new Board took place, before another significant highlight of the night – the induction into the Rotary Club of Epping, Ying Chan.
      21-22 Plan in Brief
      Our vision for 21/22 can be summarised by “A progressive club with happy and engaged members who serve the local and worldwide community, promoting a vibrant image of Rotary.”
      We believe that Member Welfare is key to having engaged members and a harmonious Club. We plan to engage good speakers, organise more social events and acknowledge milestones. We will work hard to increase membership and mentor new members. We hope to engage more with other local Rotary Club thus developing closer relationships and sharing ideas.
      In addition to running and promoting our signature projects and events in the various Areas of Service in the upcoming year, we will be hosting a special event to celebrate the Club’s 60th anniversary.
      We plan to find ways to market and promote the Club and the good work that we do through various means. We will create new opportunities for partnerships with local businesses, corporations and community groups. We will work jointly with partners to celebrate the projects that we do. There will be expectations on us to market ourselves better, but also on our partners to help us do that.
      The partnership between Epping Rotary and Epping North PS was celebrated at the Club meeting on Monday night.

      The focus of the meeting was a question-and-answer session with the Principal Kerry-Anne Goldhagen, Michael Taylor Assistant Principal and Glenn Gallagher the General Assistant.
      The responses showed a commitment to the project which the school managing through the students being involved with planting seeds. The pictures show the students enjoying their class activity.
      Pride of Workmanship award was presented to Glenn Gallagher from Epping North PS for his wonderful support of the Community Garden Project. He has helped with the project working bees during on weekends and school holidays. Nothing was too much for Glenn. He is a worthy recipient of the POW.
      See picture of presentation, in Toula’s report above.

      The Club has been successful in gaining a Federal Grant under the Stronger Communities Project.
      $17,500 has been approved which is a wonderful support to our Community Garden Project in partnership with Epping North PS

      Peter Garrard
      Community Director
      Last Monday 17 May we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of a relationship between our club and the Rotary Club of Ikebukuro in Tokyo, Japan. A relationship between two Rotary Clubs across the oceans which has lasted for 50 years.
      This enduring friendship is a shining example of what the mission of Rotary International is. It is a wonderful representation of what Rotary aims to achieve.
       The Consul General of Japan, Mr. Kiya Makahiko spoke about the importance of the Australia Japan relationship and John Alexander MP reciprocated.
      We were also joined by David Clark, our District Governor, David Clarke.
      The evening was meticulously organised by Narelle, Monica was the amazing MC on the night and the beautiful table decorations done by our very own Di Walker. A big thank you to all involved.
      Great Night to Honour Di.

      50 current and past Epping Rotarians, DG Dave, AG Robert, Di’s son Scott and his wife Fiona, partners and spouses contributed to a wonderful evening. However the undoubted star was Di.
      Di has had a 59 year association with Epping Rotary, and in a lovely speech, outlined the outstanding contributions (my words, Di’s too humble) of the Walker family to our Club.
      The point was made that a huge reason explaining the current success of our Club is based on the foundations established by past members. It is they who have set the standards, culture, ethos etc.
      No family has done more than the Walker family. Thanks Di, you and your families contributions have  been enormous and greatly appreciated.

      Spectacular Progress Made on Community Garden Project
      Last Saturday significant progress was made by members of our club towards finalising the dream of a community garden.  Despite temperatures in the low 30s, a team of 17 members together with three from the school P and C completed a compost bin together with two 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.4 metre high garden beds.  Half the team worked swinging picks and shovels to clear the weeds and shrubs in order to prepare the ground while the other half carried out the necessary woodwork.  This was not easy as the railway sleepers were wet and very heavy.  All had to be cut to size, then physically carried to the site a distance of over fifty metres and assembled.  It is something to be said for our Club that more than half our members were prepared to give up their Saturday and do this.  The fabulous morning tea prepared by Di Walker and the cold drinks from Toula and the camaraderie which we all enjoyed were things which made the morning's work special.  For it was not just about building garden beds, it is about building friendships while doing something really worthwhile for the community.
      Having said all this, there are still eight garden beds to be built and they all have to be filled with dirt.  One of our biggest needs is sourcing suitable cordless drills and drivers along with the human power to drive them.  So, watch this space.  Thursday 8th April has been suggested for our next big effort.  This has yet to be confirmed but for those able to join us, mark this date in your diaries and come along at around 11.00am.  It will be a great day out and a useful one as well.
      The Pride of Workmanship (PoW) is a Rotary programme to promote Vocational Service. It is to promote Pride of Workmanship in ALL vocations and hence provides employers with an opportunity to recognise employees who display those qualities which are worthy of an award. It is also to encourage  favourable employer/employee relationships and a sense of community pride in individual achievement. Plus it gives Rotary an opportunity to be involved in the Community. The Theme of PoW is “Do it once, Do it well. Build a better Australia.” The programmed has been adopted by over 600 Rotary Clubs in Australia, New Zealand, the South pacific, Malaysia, Canada and the United States.
      Our 2021 PoW was held on Monday, March 15th at The Epping Club. There were 59 persons in attendance totally. Six Organisations/Groups and Companies nominated TEN employees for recognition and for the award. They were all great achievers and worthy recipients.
      The following is the List of Nominators and the Awardees for this Year 2021:
            McGrath – Better Homes Realty          Omid Sayehban                  Cyrius Media Group P/L                        James Hill
             Epping Boys High School                 Stephanie Dwyer                     Minimbah Challenge Inc         Andy Ker, Celena Coghlan
              Dorothy Henderson Lodge                      Jacqueline Edwards
                                                                                  Naresh Koirake
                                                                                   Tony Ibrahim
                                                                                   Homa Ahmadzei                    NSW Health Immunisation                      Dr Sonya Ennis
               Appreciation to all who nominated people and the Board for encouraging PoW to happen again. Glad for all who turned up and made it a great night.

          President Toula's Corner
          Our first speaker for the year was certainly well received, based on the feedback I received.
          I do feel proud of Lily, she is a great kid! Many thanks to Justin for doing a lot of research and
          making the session informative, entertaining, and fun. You did an amazing job!
          New President 20/21 Toula Serna
          20/21 Board: Betty, Chris, Alex, Narelle, Robert, Bruce, Peter, John C, John F, Deretta & Toula
          A huge Thank You to everyone who attended the 58th Changeover, whether in person or on Zoom. It was wonderful to see members I have not seen in months and months. 26 members attended in person and 8 people joined in on Zoom. The mood was buoyant and the atmosphere buzzing
          Annette Gurr, NCCG Development Manager, gave a clear, informative and heart-rending presentation on the fantastic service provided by the staff of the National Centre for Childhood Grief.
          How have we never known about this local organisation addressing a critical need that is mostly overlooked?
          The Epping Rotary Backyard Blitz team went to work in a backyard in North Epping to assist a couple in North Epping who are not in a position to keep on top of things in the garden. The objective: to spruce things up for Christmas and make the garden a more inviting area!
          Last Saturday a harbour cruise for retirement and nursing home residents, with the fantastic help of prefects from Epping Boys HS and Cheltenham Girls HS, was a lot of fun and a joy-filled event. A huge thank you to Epping Community Bank Branch for partnering with us and sponsoring the boat, also to The Tokens for once again providing some great music that had the dance floor pumping! Thanks to Captain Wal for the organisation, to everyone who contributed towards a spectacular tea, and for those who valiantly conquered the cramped conditions in the galley kitchen to prepare food and drinks; it was a great team effort.
          Welcome to our Club!

          Service Above Self

          We meet In Person
          Mondays at 6:30 pm
          The Epping Club
          45 Rawson St Epping
          Epping, NSW 2121
          0422 541 266
          Stay Connected

          Bruce Jacob, President
          Phone: 0422 762 581

          P.O. Box 77 EPPING NSW 1710

          Connect With Us
          Past Speakers
          Christmas Party
          Dec 13, 2021
          Why Join Rotary?

          In an increasingly complex world, Rotary provides one of the most basic needs; the need for friends and fellowship.

           Business Development
          One of the original reasons for Rotary’s beginning was everyone needs to network. Rotary consists of a cross section of every business community and its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help one another and others.

           Leadership Development
          Rotary is an organization of leaders and successful people. Serving in Rotary positions is like a college education in leadership. Learning how to motivate, influence and lead leaders.

           Citizenship in the Community
          Membership in a Rotary Club makes one a better community citizen. The average Rotary Club consists of the most active citizens of any community.

          Contact Toula Serna - Membership Director

          0400 312 263 toulaserna@outlook.com